Tokyo Institute of Technology The 21st Century Program: SIMOT


21st Century COE Program
SIMOT : The Science of Institutional Management of Technology
Elucidation of Japan's Co-Evolutionary Dynamism Accruing to Global Assets

watanabe Reactivation of Japan's economy is indispensable to the revitalization of the world economy. A virtuous cycle between them is essential. Its triggering can be expected by reactivation of MOT. Innovation cycle from its emergence to utilization is critically dependent on the co-evolutionary dynamism with the institutions in three-dimensions : 1. National strategy and socio-economic system, 2. Entrepreneurial organization and culture and 3. Historical perspectives. If the two are adaptive to each other, innovation advances and institutions evolve at the same time, leading to a co-evolutionary development. Japan's system of Mot indigenously incorporates such excellent functions, regarded as a global model. Current stagnation of its economy can be attributed to a system conflict between a new paradigm shifting from an industrial society to a mature information society and its traditional institutional systems encompassing national strategy and socio-economic system and organizational culture characterized by inertia developed in an industrial society in a high-growth period, impeding a co-evolutionary dynamism.
Based on the above insights, this COE is aimed at elucidating, conceppualizing and operationalizing such co-evolutionary dynamism to establish new innovative science, "Science of Institutional MOT," enabling any country with different institutions to effectively utilize its MOT leading to accruing global assets. We, at Tokyo Tech, are proud to be the first in the world to tackle such challenging subject in terms of research and education, based on an engineering approach with three dimensions such as operational level research, policy and strategy and historical perspectives.
Professor Chihiro Watanabe,leader, SIMOT, 21st Century COE Program
The Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology